DBTS index A (39)

庫 佛 祥 佛 敎 事 典



a negative prefix not, no, un- etc.

aṃśukaṃ cloth, garment

akathayat 3.sg. imperf. para. of kath

akṛtārtha  [whose aim is unahieved:] unsuccessful

akṣa-mālā [garland of Eleocarpus seeds:] rosary

akṣaraṃ syllable, written character

agaḥ [not moving:] mountain

Agastyaḥ pr.n.

agni M. fire

agraṃ front, top, tip

agrataḥ in front of (gen.)

agḥaṃ evil, impurity

aṅk (X aṅkayati) brand, stamp

aṅkaḥ hook; curve of body, lap

aṅgaṃ limb, division

aṅgīkṛ make a part, subordinate; adopt, accept, promise

aṅgurīyaka MN ring (for finger)

aṅguli F. or aṅgulī finger, toe

aṅgṣṭhaḥ thumb, big toe

acira [not long:] soon

acirāt after a short while

acireṇa within a short while

añcalaḥ border (of dress)

añjali M joined hands

ataḥ from this, hence, for this reason; ata eva [precisely from this:] that is why

ati prefix excerssive(ly), extreme(ly), too very etc.

atikram (I atikrāmati) go beyond; transgress, go against

atikrānta past, bygone

aticira very long

atithi M guest; atithi-satkāraḥ honouring of guests, hospitality

atidāruṇa [very] dreadful

atidīpta exceptionally brilliant

atiduḥkhasaṃvegaḥ extreme pangs of pain

atipātaḥ lapse, neglect

atibhūmi F culmiation, excess

atimātra [beyond measure:] excessive

ativah caus. (ativā)hayati) spend (time)

atiśaya surpassing

atiśī (II atiśete) surpass, triumph over

atisṛj (VI atisṛjati) bestow, lavish

atīta [ati+ita gone beyond:] past

atīva excessively, intensely

atyanta [beyond limit:] excessive, extreme, intensely, 'terribly'

atyāhitaṃ calamity, disaster

atra here, in this, on this; on this matter, about this

atrabhavant His Honour here

atrabhavatī Her Honour here, this Lady

atha introductory or connecting particle. now, next, then

atha or rather, but no, but

adarśanaṃ extraordinary

adya today, now

adya prabhṛti from today onward

adri M rock, mountain

adhastāt beneath(gen.)

adhika additional, superior

adhkaraṇaṃ grammatical relationship

adhikāraḥ authority, responsibility, office, job

adhi+gam (I adhigacchati) find, obtain, receive; realise, perceive

adhipati M overlonrd, ruler

adhi+ruh (I adhirohati) ascend, mount

adhiṣṭhātṛ M superintending, at the head of

adhī (adhi+i) (II adhīte) study; caus. (adhyāpayati) teach

adhunā now

adho-mukha down-faced, with face bent down

adhyayanaṃ studying, study

adhyavasāyaḥ resolution

adhyavasita resolved, accomplihed, completed

adhyavaso adh+ava+so (IV adhyavasyati) resolve, decide, accomplish

adhyuṣita (p.p. of adhi+vas) inhabited

anadhyayanaṃ freedom from study, (academic) holiday

anadhyavasāyaḥ irresolution, hesitation

anantaram [without interval:] immediately

anaparāddha unoffending, innocent

anarthaḥ reverse, disaster

anādṛtya abolutive not heeding, without reference to

anāyāsa [in which there is no exertion:] not strenuous(격렬한)

animitta without cause

anilaḥ wind, breeze

aniṣṭa undesired, unpleasant, dreadful

anukamp anu+kamp (I anukampate) sympathize with, pity

anukārin (anu+kṛ imitate) imitative

anukūla favourable

anugam anu+gam (I anugacchati) follow, attend

anugrah anu+grah (IX anugṛhṇāti) favour

anugrahaḥ favour, kindness

anucaraḥ companion, attendant

anujaḥ [born after:] younger brother

anujñā anu+jñā (IX anujānāti) allow, give leave, assent

anutāpaḥ remorse

anutsekaḥ [non-arrogance:] modesty

anuprahi anu+pra+hi (V anuprahiṇoti) send (someone after somthing), despatch

anubandh anu+bandh (IX anubadhnāti) pursue, importune

anubhū anu+bhū (I anubhavati) experience, undergo, 'reap, enhoy'

anumantr anu+mantr (X anumantrayate) consecrate with mantras, bless

anuyāyin (anu+yā attend) attendant upon

anuyuj anu+yuj (VII anuyuṅkte) question, examine

anurāgaḥ passion, love

anurudh anu+rudh (IX anurudhyate) adhere to, comply with (acc.)

anurūpa anu+rūpa conformable, suitable, proper, appropriate

anulip anu+lip (VI anulimpati) anoint

anulepanaṃ ointment

anuvṛt anu+vṛt (I anuvartate) go after, attend upon

anuśayaḥ consequence, repentance, regret

anuṣṭhā (anu+sthā) (I anutiṣṭhati) carry out, perform, act, do

anuṣṭhānaṃ carrying out, [performance of task:] 'duties'

anusmṛ anu+smṛ (I anusmarati) remember

aneka [not one:] several

antaḥ end, boundary, final (syllabel of word)

antaḥpuraṃ women's quarters (of palace), harem

antaraṃ interval, juncture, difference; -antaraṃ ifc. a different, another

antarātman M soul within, internal feelings

  • A skt.verb.root
  • A sanskrit terms
  • abhidharma
  • acariya-mutthi
  • affiliation
  • agrayuga
  • airyapathika
  • akasa
  • akasayana
  • akkha
  • alambana
  • ama
  • Amitabha-sutra
  • atha
  • amrta
  • Aṅguttara-Nikāya
  • anicca
  • animal
  • ankusa
  • antarayikadhamma
  • anuyojya
  • anvaya
  • anya
  • Apabhraṃśa
  • arahant
  • artha
  • asekha
  • asphanaka
  • asta
  • Asvaghosa
  • asvamedha
  • atita
  • avadana
  • Avalokitesvara
  • Avatamsaka
  • ayagapata
  • ayasmant
  • ayo-yana
  • ayus
  • Abhayakaragupta
  • Arthasastra
  • Ayupala
  • acela
  • anumāna
  • anubhūta
  • Āgama
  • ātman
  • ayam
  • Abhidharmakosabhasya
  • Ayodhya
  • anumodana
  • Aryamahamayurividyarajni
  • Astadhyayi
  • Asita