Vinaya pitaka
律藏Vinaya pitaka
비나야 위나야 율장 律藏 계율 戒律 율 律 계 戒 sila 비니장 비니 빨리율장 빨리율장 소승계율
빨리어로 된 3장 가운데 하나, 승려들의 계율과 생활에 관한 내용을 다루고 있으며 총 3장으로 이루어져 있다.
Suttavibhanga경분별 經分別rule analysis
- Pārājikakaṇḍa (波羅夷, 바라이)
- sexual intercourse
- stealing, as defined by the authorities
- killing a human being, or encouraging one to die
- fraudulent claims to spiritual attainments
- Saṅghādisesakaṇḍa (僧殘, 승잔)
- Aniyatakaṇḍa (不定, 부정)
- Nissaggiyakaṇḍa (尼薩耆波逸提, 니살기바일제, 捨堕 사타)
- Pācittiyakaṇḍa (波逸提, 바일제)
- Pāṭidesanīyakaṇḍa (波羅提提舍尼, 바라제제사니)
- Sekhiyakaṇḍa (衆學, 중학)
- Adhikaraṇasamathā (滅諍, 멸쟁)
Khandhaka건도부 健度部
- Mahavagga
- Mahākhandhaka(大犍度, 대건도)
- Uposathakkhandhaka(薩犍度, 살건도)
- Vassūpanāyikakkhandhaka(入雨安居犍度, 입우안거건도)
- Pavāraṇākkhandhaka(自恣犍度, 자자건도)
- Cammakkhandhaka(皮革犍度, 피혁건도)
- Bhesajjakkhandhaka(藥犍度, 약건도)
- Kathinakkhandhaka(迦絺那衣犍度, 가치나의건도)
- Cīvarakkhandhaka(衣犍度, 의건도)
- Campeyyakkhandhaka(瞻波犍度, 첨파건도)
- Kosambakakkhandhaka(拘睒弥犍度, 구담미건도)
- Cullahavagga
- Kammakkhandhaka(羯磨犍度, 갈마건도)
- Pārivāsikakkhandhaka(別住犍度, 별주건도)
- Samuccayakkhandhakaṃ(集犍度, 집건도)
- Samathakkhandhaka(滅諍犍度, 멸쟁건도)
- Khuddakavatthukkhandhaka(小事犍度, 소사건도)
- Senāsanakkhandhakaa(臥坐具犍度, 와좌구건도)
- Saṅghabhedakakkhandhaka(破僧犍度, 파승건도)
- Vattakkhandhaka(儀法犍度, 의법건도)
- Pātimokkhaṭṭhapanakkhandhaka(遮說戒犍度, 차설계건도)
- Bhikkhunikkhandhaka(比丘尼犍度, 비구니건도)
- Pañcasatikakkhandhaka(五百結集犍度, 오백결집건도)
- Sattasatikakkhandhaka(七百結集犍度, 칠백결집건도)
Parivāra부수 附隨accessory
- catechisms on the rules of the monks' Patimokkha
- similar on the nuns' rules
- verse summary of origins; an action can be originated by body and/or speech, in each of the three cases with or without intention, making six origins in all; this chapter goes through all the Patimokkha rules for monks and nuns, saying which of these six are possible
- in two parts:
- repetitions on types of legal case involved in offences
- which rules for settling disputes are to be applied to legal cases
- Khandhakapucchāvāro
- Ekuttarikanayo
- Uposathādipucchāvissajjanā
- beginning the recitation of the Patimokkha
- exposition of reasons for rules
- Gāthāsaṅgaṇikaṃ
- Adhikaraṇabhedo
- Aparagāthāsaṅgaṇikaṃ
- Codanākaṇḍaṃ
- Cūḷasaṅgāmo
- Mahāsaṅgāmo
- Kathinabhedo
- Upālipañcakaṃ
- Atthāpattisamuṭṭhānaṃ
- Dutiyagāthāsaṅgaṇikaṃ
- sedamocanagāthā
- pañcavaggo
- formal acts of the sangha
- reasons for rules
- laying down of rules
- what was laid down
- nine classifications