庫 佛 祥 佛 敎 事 典
nadī river
nānābhāva various; manifold
nāmarūpa name and materiality (material form); subjective-objective bond; subjective corporeality
nāśa disappearance; annihilation
nāstitva state of non-being or non-entity
niyama certainty; restriction
nirapekṣā non-mutual dependence
nirudhyamāna presently extinguishing or being destroyed
niruddha destroyed or ceased
nirodha extinction; annihilation; cessation
nirmitaka transformer; creator; maker
nirmukta separated; cut off from
nirvāṇa state of being in which all defilements are extinguished; perfect calm; bliss, etc.
nirvāṇa samāropa instituting or establishing of nirvāṇa
nirvikalpa non-discriminative mind
nirvatraka bringing about; effectuating
niścaya ascertainment; conviction
niṣicyate to be infused or instilled
niḥsaraṇa relinquishing; forsaking
niḥsvabhāva without self-nature or self-existence; true nature of being