庫 佛 祥 佛 敎 事 典
- anutpattika (ud-) 생겨남이 없음
- apariniṣpatti (pari-nis-) 구족이 아님
- āpanna (ā-) ppp, 든 자 (흐름에), 들음, 入
- āpatsyante fut.3.pl. (ā-) 가지다 [공포를]
- āpatti (ā-) 듦 [入]
pañca kāmaguṇa five sensual enjoyments; objects of the five senses
paṭa woven cloth; garment
pattra document; a paper
parakṛta other-caused
parabhāva other-nature; extended nature; relational existence
paramarṣi great sage or divine man
paramārtha absolute; highest; supreme (truth)
paraloka another world or realm of existence
paraspara mutual; reciprocal; mutual extension, relationship
parānugrāhaka concern for or kindness to others
parikirtita proclaimed; announced; explained
parijñā knowledge; insight
paridevana sorrow; grief
paripātayat whirl about; throw about
paribhoga enjoyment; reception
parihāra denial; avoidance
paryanta the end; termination
paryāpta possible; sufficiency
pāla guard; keeper; protector
paścima final; conclusion
paśyati seeing; rightly understanding
pitṛ father
puṇya auspicious; virtuous; good
putra son; child
pudgala man; individuality; sentient
punar again; back
puruṣa soul; a man
pūrva prior; former
pūrva koṭi “state” prior to life-death; primary state
pūrvānta former or prior state
pṛthak singly; separately; different
pṛthaktva difference; diversity
prakāra kind; class; types, etc.
prakāśa illumine
prakṛti original or primary substance; primal character or nature
prajñapti provisional name or understanding; conceptual play
prajñapyate grasped; understood
pratipannaka one who has attained or arrived at (the four Buddhist orders, śrotāpanna, sakṛdāgamin, anāgamin and arhat)
pratibādhase to destroy; to repel
pratibimbasama an image in a mirror; representation
pratisiddha denied; forbidden; criticized
pratiṣṭhita abiding place; abode; enduring state
pratisaṃdhi coming together; union
pratītya-samutpāda relational origination; dependent origination; etc.
pratyaya relational condition; correlation; co-operating
pratyākhyā reject; deny
pratyukta refuted; answered
pratyutpama present state or existence
pratyudāvṛtta cease; suspend; resolved against
prathama bhava former being; prior
pradīpa light; illumination
pradīyate to be given or transmitted
prapañca provisional; mere description; a phenomenal play of words or thought process; conceptual play
prabhṛti et cetera; bringing forward
prayojana intention; purpose
pravibhāga distinction
praśama cessation; tranquillity
prasakta attached; resulting; “fallacious inference”
prasaṅga inclination; reductio ad absurdum
prasajyate to be the consequence of anything; to fall into an error
prasiddha completion; effectuation
prahāṇa relinquishing; abandoning; destroying
prahiṇoti convey; bestow
prāg (prāñc) former; prior
prāpti attaintment; acquisition
phala fruit; effect; result
phalavyatikrama passing over or going beyond the fruit or effect
phalastha one who has matured or arrived at
phalahetau cause and effect