Khuddaka Nikāya

소부 小部 KN 쿳다까니까야 khuddaka nikaya
초기경전, 5부니까야 중 마지막 묶음.

Khuddaka Nikāya

15 sutta
  1. Khuddakapāṭha 소송
2. Dhammapada 담마빠다 법구경
3. Udāna 우다나 감흥게
4. Itivuttaka 이띠웃따까 이띠윳따까 여시어
5. SuttanipāIta 숫따니빠따 수타니파타 경집
6. Vimānavatthu 천궁사
7. Petavatthu 뻬따왓투 아귀사
8. Theragāthā 테라가타 장로게
9. Therīthā가타 장로니게
10. taka 자따까 본생담 본생경
  1. Khuddāka-pāṭha 小誦 The Minor Readings
  2. Dhammapada 法句經 Word of the Doctrine, Minor Anthologies I
  3. Udāna 自說經感興偈(語) Verses of Uplift; The Udaana in Minor Anthologies Ⅱ
  4. Itivuttaka 如是語 Itivuttaka (translation); As It Was Said
  5. Suttanipāta 經集, 諸經要集 Group of Discourses, 2nd ed.; The Rhinoceros Horn
  6. Vimānavatthu 天宮事 Stories of the Mansions in Minor Anthologies Ⅳ
  7. Petavatthu 餓鬼事 Stories of the Departed in Minor Anthologies Ⅳ
  8. Thera-gāthā 長老偈 Elders' Verses Vol. I; Psalms of the Brethren; Poems of Early Buddhist Monks
  9. Theri-gāthā 長老尼偈 Elders' Verses Vol. II; Psalms of the Sisters; Poems of Early Buddhist Nuns
  10. Jātaka 本生譚 Stories of the Buddha's Former Birth
  11. Niddesa 義釋,解釋
  12. Paṭisaṁbhidāmagga 無礙解道(選) The Path of Discrimination
  13. Apadāna 譬喩宿世物語
  14. Buddhavaṁsa 佛種性佛陀系譜 The Chronicle of the Buddhas
  15. Cariyāpiṭaka 所行藏行藏 The Basket of Conduct